Opening Hours - 10 Am to 6 PM (Sunday - Off)
Prakruti is a unique identity that every person holds of his own just like fingerprints of that person. This identity is determined at the time of fertilization and remains so throughout the life of an individual. Prakruti analysis is a method acknowledged by Ayurveda as a way to determine the body type of a person. Arogya Nidhi performs this Prakruti analysis with the help of a questionnaire that is specially curated keeping in mind all the important considerations for an accurate result. This questionnaire includes several questions relating to the lifestyle, physical traits, physiological functioning such as digestion, excretion, moods, nature, etc. in a person.
Ayurveda primarily aims at treating the root cause of the dise ase rather than treating just its symptoms. To achieve this, the knowledge of Prakruti is one of the important and essential tools in Ayurveda system of health care. Along with this, Prakruti has also been mentioned in Chapter 8 of Charak Samhita “Vimaan Sthan”. Given its ancient relevance, Prakruti is considered as an extremely important method in Ayurveda.
Our expert Ayurvedic doctor at Arogya Nidhi, with the help of the answers to the Prakruti questionnaire tries to interpret and determine the body type of a person. With the help of these interpretation, we then analyse the Tridoshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha that plays an important role in the susceptibility of developing a disease and its treatment in a person. Along with this, we also try to analyse and enlighten a person about his suitable dietary regimens and ways in which he can maintain a healthy lifestyle depending upon his Prakruti analysis.
Arogya Nidhi believes that clinical examination and its conclusions play an important role in the diagnosis of the patient in Ayurveda. Given this, our diagnosis tool helps in understanding the Prakruti or Ayurveda body type of people. Knowing body type can help one maintain optimal health and also help in leading a balanced personal, family and professional life. Thus, we bring in use these discreet phenotypes those are based on the physical, psychological, physiological and behavioural traits.
These analysis also help in suggesting that Vata originates from movement, Pitta from digestion and Kapha from cumulation. Prakruti is therefore a beneficial tool in predisposition to disease as well as response to treatment. Hence, Ayurvedic experts with an alignment with us at Arogy Nidhi believe tha Prakruti analysis is imperative in Ayurvedic practice to identify the Prakruti of a patient before giving any sort of treatment.